Thursday, April 28, 2005

Will it EVER get better?!?!?!?!

and the answer is NNNOOOOOOOO! i have totally decided that I need a new job by Tomorrow. GGGAAARRRRHHHH The office "staff" (if you can call them that- they don't do a DAMN thing) suckeroonies--- that place is corrupt.


right - -- soo, we close on our house tomorrow , and I told them that ooohh, about a month ago. Well, this saturday, a certain program director?? (how in the hell did she get that title?) has us doing this freakin world's fair bull shit. I told them as soon as i knew closing date, that I wouldn't be able to work---- why in the hell did they send someone out yesterday to try to talk me into working it??? it's crap I say.

First of all, i would have to be there by 7:45 AM i mean WTF??? then, i would have to stay until 4:00.... ????

---> all of this and NONE (that's no exaggeration), NOT ONE of my families are going to be attending. The hell if I am going to waste my saturday, the first one in our new house, the day that we will be painting, at her STOOPID DAMN "WORLDS FAIR" --- something that our school put on friday night for anyone that wanted to attend. (and they didn't have to drive 45 minutes out of their way in order to do so.

It's April. Yes, that's right, it's spring time- nearing the end of the year. these parents are not going to waste their precious time going to something so dumb, when their children hardly get a chance to relax during the week... let alone on the weekend with all of their sports and extracurricular (dammmit that's a hard word to spell... ooh- PS if you type freakin and run spell check- it suggests that you change it to foreskin that's sweet.)

alright. i am done now. It's thursday. almost friday. ahh i wish it were friday.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

anxious to get it over...

over the last few days, i have had a really heavy feeling in my heart. there is so much going on right now and i am so overwhelmed. i don't know what to do or think or how to feel.

i am so freakin lazy, i don't want to pack anything up--- but we have THREE days. GAH... that's like no time at all, when you think about how tomorrow i will be working over 12 hours (nice for the pay check, not for my sanity) thursday i have work CRAPPP for 10 hours, and friday, WELLL that's THE DAY

we hope to start painting this weekend. i really hope we get the keys friday. :P

AHHH, I NEED A NEW LIFE. or at least a new job. HA... that seems like it never happen.
alright, i am going to shower. i stink like ass.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Something I love *almost* as much as Friday---

Dill pickle chips. no- not actual pickles (although i toooootally do love them)
I mean the Lays potato chips that taste like dill pickles. mmmmmmm. nothin better than snackin on dill pickle chips with a sprite to drink.

OOOH, it sounds so good right now.

Yes, Yes, and Yes...

You Know You're From Missouri When...
Everyone in your family has been on a "Float trip."
"Vacation" means driving to Silver Dollar City, Worlds of Fun or Six Flags.
Down south to you means Arkansas.
The phrase, "I'm going to the Lake this weekend," can mean only one thing.
You know what "Party Cove" is. (If you know where, you are a boating party animal)
You think Missouri is pronounced with an "ah" at the end.
You know in your heart that Mizzou can beat Nebraska in football.
You think I-44 is spelled "foarty-foar." (St. Louis Only)
You'll pay for your kids to go to college unless they want to go to KU.
You know that Concordia is halfway between Kansas City and Columbia, and Columbia is halfway between St. Louis and Kansas City, and Warrenton outlet mall is halfway between Columbia and St. Louis.
You can't think of anything better than sitting on the porch in the middle of the summer during a thunderstorm.
You know that Harry S. Truman, Walt Disney and Mark Twain are all from Missouri.
You know what "cow tipping" or "Possum Kicking" is.
You think "frog gigging" should be an Olympic sport.
You think Imo's is larger than Pizza Hut.
You can tell the difference between a horse and a cow from a distance.
You don't put too much effort into hairstyles due to wind and weather.
There's a tornado warning and the whole town is outside watching for it.
The local gas station sells live bait.
Little smokies are something you serve on special occasions.
All your radio preset buttons are country.
You know enough to get your driving done early on Sundays before the Sunday drivers come out.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Missouri.

Ain't that the truth...

You May Be a Bit Borderline ...

Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!
When you're up, you're a little bit crazy...
And when you're down, your whole world is crashing
Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


why the hell is it sooo freakin cold in my apartment. gaahhhh.... my toes are numb, and i am sitting here huddled under a blanket.

and you know what else sucks??? i have a stoopid training tonight, and that pisses me off.
why in the hell do they have to schedule trainings at night, after I have been slaving away for them all day?

I am really looking for a new job. that's it. I want a real job- with real hours.
and it will have a 4 day work week. :)

Why isn't it friday??

That is the question I ask myself every thursday morning... I really do think they should mandate a 4 day work week.

By Thursday i am sooo freakin drained that barely manage to make it through friday, walking around in a trance.

I would be totally willing to work a few extra hours over those four days in order to have a 3 day weekend every week.

I say we all rally to make this happen... the world will be a better place.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

check this pic out...

I sooo desperately want this dog. it looks just like the sweet baby dog that i had growing up. :( it makes me so sad that we don't have a puppy.

I guess I have given up on the whole idea. every time i bring it up, David gets really quiet, like he doesn't want to hear it any more. i never thought he would be like that... this is so important to me...

I just have to get over it...


aahhhh, its so awesome outside. yesterday we spent the whole day outside, sippin on some totally kick ass wine from the Oliver Winery near Bloomington. mmmmm... It was their Blackberry - oooh it tasted just like bottled blackberry cobbler. dammmm it was delicious.

right now we are just trying to get ready to move here in a couple weeks. at the most we have 19 days until we start painting. I am soooo ready. I already have some family planning trips to come out and see the place. I can't wait to show it off...

I started reading Angels and Demons this weekend. i am totally hooked right now. its crazy... but I like it. I think i need to go sit outside and read .... too bad our balcony has NO FRIGGIN ROOM

RIGHT ON... i gotta get movin...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

It's WEDNESDAY..... this week can't move fast enough. we only have ??? 16 days until we close on our house... yeah!! click on these for pics of our house


my feet are like blocks of ice. i hate cold. it was freakin 39 degrees when i woke up this morning. no me gusta. i had to turn the heater back on daammmmmit. garrrrrrr.

i am soooo bored.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I feel a little...

Fartstipated tonight. I know, yes, i have farted a couple of times... but each time it was a bit of a struggle. :( so sad...well, at least I am not crapstipated

we are watching
Big Trouble right now- and I was wondering...
why do goats look like they have balls dangling from their throats?

verrrry interesting- I'd say
aahh, yes.
My back friggin heeerts. heeeheeeeee.
AAAAAHHRRRGGGGGG i am soooo bored. i need something to do. I am tired of just sitting around but... sheesh, i don't want to pack. i don't want to do a damn thing, really.

what a loooser. is it friday yet? hehehe, i just googled
friday... that's how bored i am.

24 is on in a few... i am ready to see what happened to the president last week. if we were on normal time (and i very much stress normal) we would be watching it right now... but NNNOOOOO- we live in INDIANA- the most backward state EVER

lets list 5 reasons why the hoosier state sucks:

  1. what in the hell is a hoosier? freakin look it up, ya jackass
  2. what state doesn't have a professional baseball team?
  3. gas prices??? WTF $2.39???? so much for getting a raise...
  4. DST??? what's that???
  5. NO, and i mean NO good concerts come through here.



I never thought I'd say this- but i am sooo glad that i am back at my own site :) i really truely missed my kids. that's freakin scary hehe

spring break really sucked tho- with all of the drama and packing. GAH- we'll never get done. boxes every where... sheesh.

the weather has been awesome. i am just sad that we aren't in our house to enjoy it. sittin out on the huge front porch sippin on some mai tais (david makes the best EVER) oh well, in a few weeks that's totally what we'll be doing!!!


Sunday, April 10, 2005

I am a horrible person...

why is it that I have to take a side? my mom keeps saying things like "if you only knew" and it's driving me insane. if he wanted me to know, he would tell me. dammit.

i feel horrible for my mom, i really do, and it's only been a week... and they were married for 27 years. gah- I have no right to complain. i have no idea what she is going through right now, but i am getting tired of hearing the same things over and over and over and her trying to make me feel sorry for her.

wow, i am a horrible person...

I haven't talked to him for a few days... since thursday i think. she keeps asking me if i have talked to him. what if i have? what am i supposed to say?


It's getting closer!

two months until Bonnaroo

Official Bonnaroo site

Check it out...

totally bummed...

I am sure that the only thing that can counteract all of the bullshit goings-on of the last week is a night of drinking. I am so sick of all the crap i keep hearing from my mom, but i know she needs to get it out. but why me? why not someone who doesn't have a personal tie in the situation? garr. bullshit, i say.

our apartment is a disaster area. i hate it. double garrrrrr. 26 days until we get moving.... yeaaah!

i am also bummed that i missed a party for my bestest friend. that sucks. we need to head home for a little bit, i miss KC.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

This makes me sad

I don't understand how anyone could agree with this. Kansas Voters Ban Gay marriage
it just makes me sick. Everyone has the right to happiness in this country, right?

Bad Dreams

I had a dream last night that DH packed up and moved out and filed for divorce. it was the worst. I have told him several times over the last few days that it's not an option with us... that we have to work things out no matter what. I never want to go through a divorce again.

ahhhh, I need something else to focus on...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Woke up this mornin'

Smiled at the risin' sun
Three Little Birds, sit by my doorstep
singin' sweet songs
of melodies pure and true,
Sayin' this is my message to you-ou-ou...

Don't worry, 'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing is gonna be alright...

how did he get it right everytime? Bob always makes things seem better.

and, I love pineapple. mmmmmm. sweet and juicy and the acid tearing my mouth up.

it's a better day.

Monday, April 04, 2005

only slightly depressing...

I hate what's going on right now so much. i hate being in the middle of things, even though neither one of them is trying to put me in the middle. I hate that it'll never be the same when i go home. I hate that I am so far away. I really hate that this might actually be the best thing.

I feel weird calling either one of them right now. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I guess I never really thought anything like this would happen (or really hoped it wouldn't).



YEAH, that was my stomach... I am sooooooooooooooooooooo hungry. that's what happens when i go work out. the moment i get home, i am starving. foooooood. dammmit.

and the only thing that even sounds good right now is a strawberry shortcake thingy from cold stone. sheeeshh, i need one.

just another monday...

right now I wish i were on a beach in hawaii away from everyone. I am so tired of everything right now. I just want to run away for a couple of days and forget it.

Dammit- there's a bug in my apartment and david isn't here to kill it. piece of shit.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh this place is a PIG STY. grr. and I have noo food. WTF...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

One of those weekends... HI & LO

BIG FAT LO:Things have been really crazy around here... I found out my parents are getting a divorce after 27 years of marriage. It's so crazy. I don't know how to feel about it. I know my mom is devastated. aahh. i am tired of thinking about it.

hi, if you can have one after that news: We started packing our apartment up this weekend. today, I got 4 boxes done. with about a BILLION to go... grrrr. It's exciting though. i just wish it would hurry up and get here so we can move out of this freakin cramped hell-hole.

yep. we drove by our house today. i am so ready.
Check out pics of our house at our blog

Friday, April 01, 2005

April FOOOLs!

I am so depressed, because I can't think of anything good to fool my husband with today. I have to think of something...

i love fridays - especially those that i can spend on my ass at home! today, i am going to do laundry, because i literally don't have any clean clothes... other than 3 pairs of socks. and then i am going to clean the kitchen and living room. because they are NASTY.
then I am going to go for a drive, even though I should conserve gas.

WTF gas is so expensive.