Monday, February 28, 2005

La, la la la la, la, It's almost MARCH!!! almost spring, i can't wait...
20 days 'til the first day of spring,
3 months 10 days till Bonnaroo, Baby!

Alas, it's monday again...

oh, the weekends are never long enough.
+: i got to sleep in after 7 am!!! that's always a good thing. i spent time with DH. we didn't really do anything. the weather saturday was better than it has been... still about 20 degrees cooler than i'd like it, but still doable. I think anything under 70 is bad.

-: dammmmit- it's supposed to snow monday. yuck.i don't like it. and. I totally freaked out on DH sunday... don't know where that came from. i apologized though.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ok... here are my answers.

I am such a freakin sucker for these stoopid things:
1. What time did you get up this morning?
i don't know... sometime after 7!
2. Diamonds or pearls?
the Diamond my poo gave me please!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hitch, although, I too felt the funniest scenes were shown on TV.
4. What is your favorite TV show?
I am a friends freak. right now, there is nothing i can't live without seeing. :( i like 42 and scrubs though.
5. What did you have for breakfast?
homemade sausage biscuit yummmm

6. What is your middle name?
B.B. yes!

7. Favorite cuisine?
Italian, or mexican. pizza. food in general is good. I LOVE FOOOD

8. What foods do you dislike?
peas and well, ummm.
9. What is your favorite crisp flavor?
i am dumb and don't understand this question.

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
Amorica by the Black Crowes.

11. What kind of car do you drive?
Jeep Wrangler Baby
12. Favorite sandwich?
Turkey with mayo and lettuce and pickles.
13. What characteristic do you despise?
hmmmmm... people that are lazy and don't take the initiative

14. Favorite item of clothing?
flipflops. and tanktops.

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation
Anywhere in Hawaii!!!
16. What color is your bathroom?
bamboo and white-ish and the other one is green and bright blue, with pics of hawaii on our honeymoon.
17. Favorite brand of clothing?
anything that covers my booty :)

18. Where would you retire to?
palm trees and beaches....
19. Favorite time of the day?
anytime after 6pm on weekdays.
20. What was your most memorable birthday?
my last one?

22. Favorite sport to watch?
are you kidding me?

23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
no comment..
25. What fabric detergent do you use?
Tide. it smells yummy.

26. Are you a morning person or a night person?
night person, ask DH. i fight him every morning. i hate getting up. i need at least 10 hours to be functional...
27. What is your shoe size?
28. Do you have any pets?
no, dammit.
29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends?
not really.
30. What did you want to be when you were little?
a back up singer. i am all about the oh's and yeah's
31. What are you doing today?
reading middlesex. i can't put it down. i had to check email though, that's why i am doing this.


This was written by my hubby yesterday morning... he HATES HATES HATES these things.
isn't he cute?

1. What time did you get up this morning?
6:45, I got to be late last night.

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Neither, I am a guy, not a homosexual, black, a rapper, a basketball player, or a player in general. Damn sexist surveys!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hitch, although, I felt the funniest sences were shown on TV.

4. What is your favorite TV show?
Monday: Monster House & 24
Tuesday: Scrubs & Committed
Wednesday: West Wing
Thursday: Joey-Maybe, I don't watch much on Thursday, its movie night!
Friday: Again not much on so its a going out night or another movie night.
Saturday: Football, when its in season, guessed it, MOVIES.
Sunday: Football/NASCAR, Sopranos, Dead Like Me, & Surial Life.
I don't care what anyone says they do not have a single show they like more than another, there have been just too many goods shows that this is a rediculous question and should be narrowed down to a specific time slot of a specific day during a specific season. - OR - MAYBE NOT EVEN ASKED AT ALL!!!!

5. What did you have for breakfast?
Three York Pepermint Paties...I don't tend to make breakfest stuff unless Alison is up to eat with me:)

6. What is your middle name?
Paul, after my father. Nice and short unlike some of you, hehehe.

7. Favorite cuisine?
Spicy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that is a cuisine?

8. What foods do you dislike?
Brocllie, YUCK!

9. What is your favorite crisp flavor?
Ok, what the hell is a crisp? I like pepermints it that is a crisp. Altoids Rock

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
Elephunk - Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get Retarded

11. What kind of car do you drive?
SONOMA - 4x4

12. Favorite sandwich?
McCalister's Delta Delight - ham and roast beef with provalone cheese BBQ sauce and jalapanoes on a hoggie bun. SPICY!

13. What characteristic do you despise?
People who are ignorant and make these stupid things up!

14. Favorite item of clothing?
I don't know, all of them I guess, I don't think I would want to go around Indiana at time of year naked.

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation
Anywhere with my wife, love you Alison!

16. What color is your bathroom?
Hairy with a touch of tan and white!

17. Favorite brand of clothing?
I have become a fan of Gear.

18. Where would you retire to?
Umm, my Fifties or sixties, I hope.

19. Favorite time of the day?
Sunrise on the weekends. They are the best.

20. What was your most memorable birthday?
My 25th, I had a great time grilling out and partying with Alison and friends from work.

22. Favorite sport to watch?

23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? No expectations, because after everyone reads my responses, they will realize how dumb these things are. 24. Person you expect to send it back first?
Please see answer to question 23, thank you.

25. What fabric detergent do you use?
Tide, because it gets my clothes clean, like all other detergents. What kind of stupid question is this???? Do you realy care what I use to wash my clothes?? I mean if you really wanted to know come on over and borrow some detergent anytime.

26. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I am an all of the time person, if there is something going on, I'll be there and I will have a good time.

27. What is your shoe size?
11-12, again, unless you plan on buying me shoes for my birthday or Christmas, who cares?

28. Do you have any pets?
We have hundreds of dust bunnies running around our apartment, since our maintenance people never changed our air filter. Basterds!

29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends?
No new at this time.

30. What did you want to be when you were little?

31. What are you doing today?
Let's see; Made coffee, ripped a couple of cds, filed some old bills and stuff, watched some extras on a dvd, took a shower, got dressed, took my truck to have the oil changed, ate lunch, went to the bank, went to a store called Sur La Table, then on to Cold Stone for ice cream, picked up my truck, and know I'm filling this thing out. Oh, I used the bathroom a couple of times in there if you wanted to know, sick basterds. I'll send you a short message tomorrow letting you know what I did the rest of the day as if it is any of your buisness...See you on the flip side!

Friday, February 25, 2005


I just totally burped the granddaddy of all burps. I wish i could post it here... I should win a prize or something.


RIGHT ON, BRA i'm totally stoked i freakin ****HEART**** fridays!

HI: Did I mention that I **Heart** Fridays? ummm. yes. We watched 4 episodes of Penn & Teller's Bullshit (season 2) last night. that has got to be one of the greatest shows on TV. It helped me on the journey to getting smarter....
Do you ever feel soo incredibly stupid when you are talking to people? It's like that episode of friends (coincidentally, Penn guest stars! wow, that's really funny) where joey buys the V encyclopedia and gets all V-smart. ahh. that's the story of my life, I feel your pain Joey. I Do...

LO: my job is giving me serious anxiety issues. OOOH! this made me sooo fuming mad. I found out who my co-director is for the summer, and I CAN'T STAND THE WOMAN. she is so freakin a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g. Now, I am annoying. but nothing compared to this bitch. So, i am going to stage a revolt, and I already have one person on my side. grrrrr.....

Thursday, February 24, 2005

In an effort to get smarter... (yeah, good luck with that)

I am going to re-read Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. well, by re-read, i mean read for the first time. I "read" it a few years ago for a class in College, but I really only skimmed it. But, I have been really thinking about some of this stuff lately, so, I am off to borders to buy it. that and Middlesex. that seems like an interesting read too :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

ponder this:

Why is dyslexia so hard to spell?

Wednesday Woes...

I should be happy that it's Hump day. but, alas, it's not friday.

HI: I saved my friend from naming her child Tinker. my good deed for the day is done. Oh, and we met the "Amazing" Smiley and KJ at BDs Mongolian BBQ.

LO: hmmmm. again, work. and the fact that it is not yet friday. i need a life

I am soooooo tired

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


My bestest friendest is prego. Instead of being that friend and suggesting HORRIBLE names, i am going to publish names that i veto, You are welcome in advance :)
Sunny, you are **NOT** allowed to name your child any of the following:
Velva (too close to Vulva, poor dear)
Eulalia (WTF)
Concepcion (well, that could be interesting)
Haskell (Eddie or otherwise)
Casper (no comment needed)
Heman (do you remember him?hehehe)
Elvira (giddiup, aoo, ba-ba oo, ba-ba mau mau) heheheheHA
Yvonne (or as my pappy says "Why-Vonne")
Priscilla (queen of the desert)
Chester (durn, I growed another head)
Jesus (unless... you named it concepcion jesus, or any derivative of that)
Guy (too hard to live up to that)
Dick (again, too many expectations)
Laverne (unless you have another child and name it Shirley **LOVE that show**)
Chandler (TOO.. MANY.. JOKES)
Melba (toast?)
Orville (TC, Magnum, and Higgins might like it though)
Layla (unless you want to hear that riff every time someone says their name)
Ed Zachary (no need for explanation)

The Following names would be funny, but still, that poor child:
Dora*** (isn't that a dora bell?) HAHAHA.
**Tinker (I laughed my ass off sooooo freakin hard when my dad suggested this, i almost pissed my panties)
Isabell (OOOOR- you could just name her "Isa")
Cow or Cal**
Ching (think how it would look in a phone book)***
Blue (you're my boy)

**Suggested by Pappy B.
***Suggested By DH

Oh, I could keep going, but I have to peeee. I'll add more later........

**DISCLAIMER** If by chance you are reading this and your name appears above: I sincerely apologize, but geez, get a frejeakin sense of humor or get off my blog.

two twenty two tuesday

well, yet another day in the boring life that is my own. i need a change in scenery, hence the color:

HI: It's not monday! i got an email from my bestest friendest in the whole wide worldest. she cracks my shit up. we are totally stoked for bonnaroo... it's going to be so amazing this year. i just hope it's not as hot as last year! sheeesh. alright, moving on.

LO: I work for the "Y-i'm a big fat jerk and willwork you to death and let kids beat you up b/c i am a big fat money hungry dick head-mca" (again, thank you sunnifer, that is right dead on!)
i hate my job, are you totally sick of reading that? and i have a "woman's doctor" appointment in two weeks. blech. i hate that. there's nothing more uncomfortable than that cold-as-hell duck-bill cootchie opener. grrrr.

right on, that's well enough for now...

Monday, February 21, 2005


i am so freakin bored. i don't have anything to do. dammmit. and i have to go back to work tomorrow. work sucks big fat ass. i have to find something else to do. this job can kiss my arse. at least there's only FOUR DAYS LEFT!!! i *HEART* short weeks!!!.
ggrrrrrr. i wish i could be magically rich. how kick ass would that be? let's see... if i were rich i would:
  1. fly to hawaii and never come back.
  2. invest in a new bikini for every day of the week, because i am a beach bum.
  3. find a palm tree and declare it my own.
  4. never worry about anything again***

***that is except finding the best way to get the sand out of my crack. (sunnifer, that was all for you!)

Best Monday Ever.

HI: You can't beat a monday when you don't have to work. so far today i have eaten honeycombs for breakfast. ran the dishwasher, gone back to bed and slept for 2 more hours. ate yogurt for lunch, wrote down a list of things that I should get done today, but probably won't :) opened the dishwasher, saw that everything is clean. closed the dishwasher. watched Gilmore girls. I am hopelessly addicted. got dressed. decided that i should get off my ass, but still haven't moved.
all of this before noon!

LO: ummmm.... bored out of my mind. ahhh. so freakin' bored, and not the picture is out on my tv. oh, wait there it is. crisis averted.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


HI: 3 day weekend! I'll never want to return to work again! that really makes me want to find a new job.

LO: freakin' all day training... what a waste of time. NASCAR sucks too, so much for spending time with the hubby.

Friday, February 18, 2005


HI: Today is our 5 month-iversary! I also got paid today. love that. biggest pay check since i started working for the Y. (i wish it were the last paycheck. It's fun to stay at the Y-U-C-K hehehe. AND--- I get to throw a pie at my Activity Leader, that makes my DAY. perhaps even year!

LO: I have to work tomorrow---- i don't want tooooooo. (that's my whiney voice.)


I am going to start posting my Hi/Lo for the day. so, here's today...

HI: the power went out at work today. that was great. we had freakin' 70 kids in a darker than pitch black cafeteria, and no flashlight. it was a blast!

LO: even though tomorrow is friday, i still have an ALL DAY training for the great employer that is the YMCA. trainings suck. why do they need me to waste my entire day learning things that i will never ever ever use. oh well, at least i'll get over time for the week AGAIN.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

You're on, Ecker.

I just made a bet over the phone with my once good friend "ecker." he, is of course in germany, where he has been stationed in the army for at least a couple of years (wow, where does the time go. damn i am getting old). he called me out of the blue today, i was excited. anyway... we talked and he asked when i was going to start having kids because "that's what married people do" - well, ecker, i said. i am not having kids for at least 5 years. lets list the reasons why:
  • toooo selfish. i want dh all to myself.
  • i am not in the profession that i would like to be in, and i don't see that changing anytime soon.
  • no money.
  • live too far away.

i am sure i could think of more, but i am too lazy. oh yes...

  • tooooo lazy.

right on. so, ecker bet me 1 whole buck that i would be pregnant before my fifth year. you are soo on sucker.

International handshake or not, that buck will include interest HA

Butt, i guess you never know **wink, wink**