Friday, February 25, 2005


RIGHT ON, BRA i'm totally stoked i freakin ****HEART**** fridays!

HI: Did I mention that I **Heart** Fridays? ummm. yes. We watched 4 episodes of Penn & Teller's Bullshit (season 2) last night. that has got to be one of the greatest shows on TV. It helped me on the journey to getting smarter....
Do you ever feel soo incredibly stupid when you are talking to people? It's like that episode of friends (coincidentally, Penn guest stars! wow, that's really funny) where joey buys the V encyclopedia and gets all V-smart. ahh. that's the story of my life, I feel your pain Joey. I Do...

LO: my job is giving me serious anxiety issues. OOOH! this made me sooo fuming mad. I found out who my co-director is for the summer, and I CAN'T STAND THE WOMAN. she is so freakin a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g. Now, I am annoying. but nothing compared to this bitch. So, i am going to stage a revolt, and I already have one person on my side. grrrrr.....


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