Friday, July 29, 2005

crappy friday

yeah, the fact that D was home, should have made the day great. but, no, it still sucked ass.

:P. and what makes it all horrible, i found out that Shotime cancelled Dead like me. WTF? that is such an awesomely dark show. *sigh* i love mason.

oh well, i won a bet with D, and he's going to go buy the second season tomorrow. (i love not having to pay for things.)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

off to the bank...

that's right. i'm off to the bank. because I have a paycheck.

ahhh, the bliss of holding that little slip of paper. i have forgotten what that felt like...

that time...

i have a zit. i hate zits. i hate when people call them pimples. because they're zits.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

10 years ago...

it freaks me out that 10 years ago i was a month away from entering high school. i say that because last night i had a dream. this dream included stalking billy corgan (and he stalked back! it was way cool, and i love him). but it wasn't D that was there with me. it was that jerk that dated back when, and all of my high school friends, many of which i had totally forgotten about.

I blame this on my best friend, because last night she was telling me about a dream she had that included one of those people from high school.

it's soo weird how you can be perfectly content with everything in your life, and then a dream comes along and freaks you the shit out.

I will say that I got front row tix to 2 concerts in that dream, and billy called my name out a few times on stage. it was cool.(in case you have stumble across this blog, i was more than obsessed with SP when i was in high school and college. i really truely thought i would marry billy. and then i met D.)


i must have been obsessed with lists yesterday.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

10 things about me day

i am going to start a new tradition. every tuesday i am going to list 10 things about me. laugh it up... i am pretty moronic sometimes:

  1. i have a hard time committing myself to a favorite movie there's too many to choose from.
  2. i end sentences with prepositions.
  3. i am obsessed with palm trees. it's scary.
  4. i absolutely hate hate hate spiders. blech :P
  5. i like dead like me.
  6. i haven't been paid since june 3rd. *sigh*
  7. i have 2 tattoos, i want more. just indecisive.
  8. i like to eat, but have a problem eating leftovers.
  9. i hae a crush on john cusack.
  10. i wish i was a little taller bit taller... (name that song)

now, wasn't that fun? come back next tuesday for more :)

this is getting old...

i am sooo over sitting at home during the day. this sucks. lets see what i've done so far:
  1. went back to bed after D left for work.
  2. ate a bowl of froot loops.
  3. watched the shuttle take off... was surprised when it gave me goose bumps.
  4. went pee twice.
  5. watched gilmore girls ( i am shamelessly addicted)

and now, i am making mac and cheese. oh what an exciting life i lead :)

Monday, July 25, 2005

the future's open wide

i'll stop the world and melt with you
you've seen a difference and it's getting better, all the time
there's nothing you and i won't do
i'll stop the world and melt with you


i am soooo craving tater tots right now.


ok, this might make me weird. but john cusack is hot.

oh, and the smashing pumpkins are getting back together. fuck yeah.

monday, again...

well, here i am, sitting on my arse. i wish i had a job, so i could be working today. :P

so, today, i have decided that i am not going to even think about going outside. i have books to read and things to clean. of course, i won't get motivated until about 1pm.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

i can't believe we are watching the weather channel...

we pay a freakin crapload for our million channel cable, and what are we watching? water spouts on the freakin weather channel. for my own defense, i am not in control of the remote.

it is soo fucking hot right now. D and i went out earlier and the moment we stepped outside, i wanted to turn around and go back inside. what the hell? what's the deal? why is it soo fucking hot?

i won't be working this week, and probably not next week either. but perhaps i will have a new job the week after that. oh hell, i hope so. i am so tired of not being able to buy things. and you know it's bad when your bank starts charging you because you aren't depositing anymore. :(

hmmm. i am bored. the local forcast says the heat tomorrow will be 105. damn.
wednesday the high is 75! hells yes. that makes my day.

don't get me wrong, i love heat. i would so much rather it be 90 than 10... i can't stand cold weather. but this is getting a little out of hand. it just looks hot. i start sweating just glancing outside.

OH! shit, i forgot--- i found my dream dog- check it out: i want a puggle.

sooo freakin cute!

Friday, July 22, 2005


afternoon delight. that song has been in my head for the last 2 days. it makes me happy.

i am sitting at my could be job. there is no one here but me, and i am so freakin bored. no body is returning my emails, it's friday and I want to go home!

it's funny to hear people call in to this place. hehe. people are wierd.

so i have been offered a few jobs in the last couple of weeks, and i really don't know what to do. this job is great. as long as it pays. if it doesn't pay, then there's no way i'll do it.

hmmm. i am pretty boring right now. i don't know what to do!?!?!?!?! hold on...

so, what can i say??? last night, i thought i was going to be blown away in a tornado. it sucked

and i have a headache. it's a fridayiwannagohomeandsitonmyarse headache.'sfun.

Friday, July 15, 2005

One dream & One dead bird

to things of interest so early in the am... this is going to be a great day.
but first, i need a tooth pick... uno momento, por favor.....

ah, that's better. alright. last night i had the most kick ass dream EVER.
I was going to Independence Center because I won tix to a special perfomance by
The Black Crowes (hells, yes). I was on of the only people there because you had to have a special inviation and they only gave out 10 or so!!! so, i was running late (which is strange, i am never late) and they are playing hard to handle (love that song dammit).
I was sooo close (way closer than this, taken my yours truely at bonnaroo), i could literally feel the breath coming out of Chris's mouth. delicious in between songs, they would call me over & talk to me. basically making fun of other people there-- people watching (i think that's because my mom would go to that mall just to people watch). there was one lady?? in the crowd that Rich asked me if I knew "her." I said now, so he started saying things about how she lookied like a man and ate like a gorilla.
a few songs later, goldie hawn walked up and saw how into the concert I was, and invite me back to her place for an after party!
so, i went and hung out with them, there was family and friends, and food and beer and music. ahhh. I had to run home for my camera (and i drove a hug van?!?!), so when i got back, i had some pics taken with chris and the band (mainly chris, my love) and Kate hudson! we were jokin around after the band left for another gig in another state, she invited me to go to a concert with her the next day (there was something about her being in a cabinet and goldie wrote a script for the pictures and wrote it on the cue cards, it was rather strange. i had to help kate get out of it, she was crammed in there with pots and pans and food and stuff. weird), and goldie, kate and I went back to my parent's house and hung out. I gave them the grand tour and woke up.

alright: item #2.
last weekend D and i were just loungin in the living room when he looked out side and saw the neighbors narrowly miss a pigeon in the street. it didn't even move... so we just sat and watched it slowly make it's way to the sidewalk next to our house. there was another pigeon that kept flying near it, too. now, this bird is pretty big. probably about the size of a grapefruit. way bigger than your average robin or red bird.
anyway, we realized that they were having sex. so we left them alone, they obviously needed their privacy.
well, just a little bit ago, i saw the same damn bird just sitting in the middle of the street. cars would go by it and it wouldn't budge. Then, while i was eating lunch, this huge HVAC repair truck comes barreling down the street. my first thought, holy shit, the bird.
sure enough, i turn around and there are feathers flying all over the place. I zero in on the bird, and it's smooshed to smithereens. :( i got so sick to my stomach--- i couldn't finish my lunch. (i though about posting a pic, but YUCK)
I wanted to call D, but i am sure he would think i am insane. poor birdy.
RIP bird, we will miss you.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


it is raining outside. but the sun is trying to peek through.
i am sitting here avoiding my daily chores. (so much for being motivated)
our cable went out for a bit--- but came back totally different.
i feel lazy, like i need to work out.
i am wondering if things will ever get back to normal.
but what the hell is normal?

D has been away on business, and I have realized exactly how crazy things are here without him. last night, i freaked because I saw someone outside our house. he was out walking his fucking dog. :P i am such a scaredy cat, that i almost dialed my mom. 500 miles away, like she could do anything. at least she would be there to hear my blood curdling screams when the boogie man broke in, right?

oh lord. i need to get off my ass.


today, i am motivated ... i am going to get so much shit done.

clean the bathrooms, the living room, do laundry, clean the kitchen. even take a shower!

and them i am going to reward myself by going to best buy and getting a couple of new cds with my gift card! hells yes.

so, what cds should i get??? i have no clue. there are so many that i need, but i only have 25 bucks.


well, i better get moving before the laziness takes over!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

...mental breakdown...

those days that your brains hurt. i hate them. there's soooo much CRAP swimming around in my head right now.

i hate it when D is out of town. it sucks. i hate not having money. SHIT. i am so bored -- that i have been practicing 3rd grade cursive on a scrap piece of paper from my job at the Y.

that's sad. wow, do i need a drink. a big fat margarita. on the rocks with lots of salt. shit, that sounds wonderful right now. if D were home, we'd totally be vroomin to Cancun's at this very moment. they have the best margaritas.

and this coming from a girl who hates tequila.

Just a little bit of info...

I know you wanna know this too:

67 days until our 1st anniversary...
140 days 8 hours until my 25th
164 days 8 hours until christmas
326 days 8 hours until D's 27th



don't ask.

right on, so i am going to watch My Fair Lady tonight. i *heart* that movie. it is the bestest musical of all time.
I was going to sing a snippet for you, but i don't want to hurt your ears. so, you'll just have to rent the movie to see it yourself

i am so freaking bored right now, and i can't get this job sichi-a-shun out of my freakin HEAD.
please feel sorry for me.

i don't want to get taken again--- i am afraid that's what will happen to me if i take this insurance job.

why is it so hard to find a job? i have a freakin degree... please hire me!?!


I have three jobs coming up, and i don't know which one to choose.

one is sales (insurance), which is very similar to the one i just quit, but better, because i will be dealing with employers instead of seniors. 100% commissions.

one is a temp job, that totally sounds interesting, 9-5 just a week... next week. the same time that the insurance job would start, so :P

the other, I haven't even interviewed for, and it doesn't start until august 8th. but, it's salary, guaranteed to get paid 2times a month, i don't have to worry about where the $ is coming from.

CRAP i don't know what to do... i wish i could call DH right now and ask him what he thinks. SHEESH

Monday, July 11, 2005

job search, again....

well, after a month with absofreakinlutely NO pay, i have decided that i need a job that does pay.

bankers, you suck. lets list the reasons why:

  • no pay for training
  • no reimbursement for licensing and testing
  • i have to COLD CALL senior citizens ("leads", HA, totally like glengarry glen ross)
  • i have to convince them to let a total stranger (me) into their house
  • i have to go to their house (which most likely smells like ARSE)
  • i get yelled at on the phone by those that don't want to see me
  • i dont get paid unless they buy
  • i can't sell without a field trainer
  • only 1 field trainer to 10 new agents (so we're training each other, and NONE of us have experience)
  • field trainer takes half of the commission
  • i neeeeeed MONEY dammit.

Sheesh. Luckily i have DH, but it's not fair that he has to pay for everything. and there are things that i want to buy GGOOSSHH

Thursday, July 07, 2005

what is wrong with the world?

I know i haven't posted in a while, things have been a little hectic around here...

but not as hectic as london today.

I am soo sad for all of those people wounded and the families of those who were killed. I just don't understand why anyone would kill. I'll have to post more on that later, i just don't have time right now.

It makes the fact that my job is sucking right now seem soo trivial.