One dream & One dead bird
to things of interest so early in the am... this is going to be a great day.
but first, i need a tooth pick... uno momento, por favor.....
ah, that's better. alright. last night i had the most kick ass dream EVER.
I was going to Independence Center because I won tix to a special perfomance by The Black Crowes (hells, yes). I was on of the only people there because you had to have a special inviation and they only gave out 10 or so!!! so, i was running late (which is strange, i am never late) and they are playing hard to handle (love that song dammit).

a few songs later, goldie hawn walked up and saw how into the concert I was, and invite me back to her place for an after party!
so, i went and hung out with them, there was family and friends, and food and beer and music. ahhh. I had to run home for my camera (and i drove a hug van?!?!), so when i got back, i had some pics taken with chris and the band (mainly chris, my love) and Kate hudson! we were jokin around after the band left for another gig in another state, she invited me to go to a concert with her the next day (there was something about her being in a cabinet and goldie wrote a script for the pictures and wrote it on the cue cards, it was rather strange. i had to help kate get out of it, she was crammed in there with pots and pans and food and stuff. weird), and goldie, kate and I went back to my parent's house and hung out. I gave them the grand tour and woke up.
alright: item #2.
last weekend D and i were just loungin in the living room when he looked out side and saw the neighbors narrowly miss a pigeon in the street. it didn't even move... so we just sat and watched it slowly make it's way to the sidewalk next to our house. there was another pigeon that kept flying near it, too. now, this bird is pretty big. probably about the size of a grapefruit. way bigger than your average robin or red bird.
anyway, we realized that they were having sex. so we left them alone, they obviously needed their privacy.
well, just a little bit ago, i saw the same damn bird just sitting in the middle of the street. cars would go by it and it wouldn't budge. Then, while i was eating lunch, this huge HVAC repair truck comes barreling down the street. my first thought, holy shit, the bird.
sure enough, i turn around and there are feathers flying all over the place. I zero in on the bird, and it's smooshed to smithereens. :( i got so sick to my stomach--- i couldn't finish my lunch. (i though about posting a pic, but YUCK)
I wanted to call D, but i am sure he would think i am insane. poor birdy.
RIP bird, we will miss you.
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