it's Friday at last, it's Friday at last...
this week started out so fast, and then seemed to come to a screeching halt yesterday around 3:30... oh, it has taken FOR-EV-ERRR
Today has been good though, for the most part. 'cept for the fact that it is SNOWING... AGAIN. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE INDIANA WEATHER. HEHEHE
right on...
So HI for the day is that, after (hmm lets seeee sept, oct, nov, dec, jan, feb, MARCH!) SEVEN G-Damn months, (and only 2 months left after this) I finally earned Site Director of the Month. for what? throwing a fit and telling them I'll quit, basically :)
See, sometimes it does pay to throw a temper tantrum, although i totally freakin deserve it. they'll miss me when I am gone.
I'll leave you with this:
Would you rather....
superglue your eyes open
superglue your eyes shut?
oh, and PS---> three months from now, we will be totally rockin' out at BONNAROO
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