Friday, June 03, 2005

i am sooo lazy today...

ahh, yes, the unemployment has kicked in :) I should be doing something productive right now, like studying for my insurance class but NNOOOO i'm sitting at this here computer doing absofreakinlutely NOTHING


so, right. i went to target today, and everyone and their uncle was there... you can tell it's summer, in carmel, indiana... all of the stay at home mom's with their kids on the last day (half day) of school. some of them behaving, but my favorite of the day was this little girl, being the TOTALLY BRATIEST girl i have ever heard---

"mom, i can't believe you would do this to me... why are you doing this to me, i just can't believe you would do this to me MMOOOOMM"

THIS LITTLE GIRL WAS THREE YEARS OLD! if my child ever EVER EVER talks to me like that, i'll give them something to believe in. GAH it was all because the mom said no to a swimsuit.
a friggin swimsuit. Well-- we must remember where we live, Carmel/Westfield, Indiana... where all of the kids get whatever they freakin want, whenever they want it. literally.

case in point--- one of my girls at work said this to me a couple of weeks ago.
"my brother had his tv too loud, so i couldn't hear mine in my room. i told him to turn it down, but he said no- so i had to go to the library to watch" OR
"my parents are buying me a 52" plasma tv for the game room" OR
"what do you mean, you have to clean the house, you don't have a maid??" OR
"My sister is gitteing a hummer H2 for her first car" WHAT?????

I am being soo serious about all of those quotes too... spoiled little brats.

anyway, what else can i rant about???
I smell. i haven't taken a shower yet. that's how lazy i am. ha.
my hair is nasty... but i would rather just sit out on the front porch and read... so i think i might.


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